Living and Loving in my 4th Quarter

I am feeling incredibly grateful today to focus on what feeds my soul and brings me happiness.

I made the decision many years ago, probably in my early 20’s to engage in practices that would assist me in learning to feel better about myself because I just struggled with low self-esteem! One of the saving graces in my life was that I was able to reach out for help when I needed someone to talk to about how I was feeling, such as a school guidance counselor. I was one of those people who I think was born with a depressive personality type, and to this end, I was quite a pessimist and felt incredibly sad a lot.

I recall my father often telling me to “love myself” and to focus on being happy and grateful, but some days this was much easier said then done. What started to make the difference was my own interest in trying to find out ways that would help me feel better about myself. I started searching for books to read and I did listen to advice when it was given too!

I recall signing up for a self-esteem workshop on Self-esteem and this was a such an eye opener for me! I learned that I needed to practice different strategies to enhance my self worth and self concept, and how I felt about myself. I learned that I was of value and I mattered. I think it was the first time I learned about boundaries and that I had every right to share how I felt and ask for what I needed in my relationships.

I wish I could say that it only took one workshop to heal me, but alas it did not…the journey to well-being has been a path of many ups and downs. However, it took more time to understand all the nuances of what was negatively affecting my self-esteem such as colonialism, cultural identity, classism, addiction, and family of origin issues.

I have stayed committed to my development and growth and it has provided me with a deeper awareness, compassion, and empathy for myself and for others. My path to well-being has also brought me the acceptance and love I wanted so badly from others to a place of personal love and acceptance and now I am feeling healthy, happy, and in balance (on most days ha-ha!).

My purpose now is to remain focused on self-love, self-transformation, and positivity. This is where I have evolved to and this is where I always must come back to, it is my place of center – home and gives me the most joy and when I support others in a coaching call or in a workshop on these topics, I feel so happy and alive and on purpose.


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